A legtöbb gyerek csak tenyérnyi méretű kisautókként ismeri a HOT WHEELS modelleket, hiszen a Mattel-HOT WHEELS ezekből a modellekből 1968 óta több mint 10,5 milliárd darabot készített, és ma is 25 másodpercenként gurul le egy ilyen kisautó a gyártósorokról.
Sőt, másodpercenként 16 Hot Wheels járgányt adnak el a világon, aminek köszönhetően ez a márka a legkelendőbb játékautó. A kínálat és a gyűjtők köre is folyamatosan bővül, ahogy a HOT WHEELS termék paletta valamint az új modellek sora is folyamatosan gyarapodik...
I received several inquiries on my Facebook page about which were the first Hot Wheels models.
Here are the first copies:
Because the 1960s in the United States were all about the space program, and real muscle cars ruled the streets
(Muscle Cars) dominated and the doll and figure production took a backseat, so the design team and Harry Bradley looked for new challenges!
They adopted the name Hot Wheels and opened a completely new dimension alongside the small cars of MATCHBOX, JOHNNY LIGHTNING and TOMICA that dominate the market....
It was characterized by a unique appearance, innovative style, large engines and SPECTRA paint
Hot Wheels small cars
Spectraflame paint was present on all models.
The wheels were called REDLINE, special axles with a new suspension.
The cars received a fully metal body and frame.